
Turning mining landscapes into safe and attractive landscapes through groundwater modelling

We, #IBGW GmbH, have been contributing for more than 30 years with our special services, especially in groundwater modelling, to the creation of safe and attractive landscapes from mining landscapes such as in the current Vereinigtes Schleenhain opencast mine (Fig. 1), such as at Lake Zwenkau (Fig. 2). In this respect, we support both the responsible mining rehabilitation companies #LMBV and the mining operator #MIBRAG in their planning work. In this way, in addition to local recreation areas and valuable biotopes, additional flood storage space for the White Elster can be created, which will provide valuable protection for the city of Leipzig in times of climate change. In this way, we are carrying the M&P Group's mission statement "Engineering for a Better Tomorrow" into the centre of eastern Germany.


#GroundwaterModelling #Engineeringforabettertomorrow #mupgroup