
Germany's greenhouse gas reduction targets will be missed

Germany has set ambitious greenhouse gas reduction targets in the Federal Climate Protection Act (as of August 2021): By 2030, emissions are to be reduced by at least 65 % and by 2040 by at least 88 % compared to 1990. These targets are linked to EU and UN climate change agreements. The European Union's Climate Change Act set stricter targets for 2030 (net minus 55 % compared to 1990) and climate neutrality by the middle of the century. The EU Commission's "Fit for 55 Package" is intended to implement these goals.

According to the current projection report of the Federal Environment Agency, Germany will miss the set targets with the current measures. The projections point to a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 49 % from 1990 to 2030 and by 67 % by 2040. Germany will probably have to amend its federal climate protection law again to comply with the new EU requirements.

By contrast, in 2021 the manufacturing and service sector companies in Germany generated with Goods and services for environmental protection 16.5% more turnover compared to the previous year (Destatis) The number of "Green Jobs"was 9.7 % higher than in the previous year. More and more companies are recognising that the transformation towards climate protection is a viable strategy for the future, and more employees see jobs with a focus on climate protection as meaningful employment.

At M&P Climate, we advise companies on their way to sustainable business and implementable #CO2reduction plans to achieve # climate targets. Because we believe that it is possible to achieve the goals of the # Paris Climate Agreement.